Meet the Author - Join us on Wednesday, October 19 at the Ligonier Valley Library and meet William J. Miller Jr., author of Steel City : A Story of Pittsburgh. The program is at 11:00 AM in the library's Community Room.

Reservations Required, seating is limited. Please call the Ligonier Valley Library at 724-238-6451 to save your seat! Register online at

FIRST FIVE REGISTRANTS WILL RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF STEEL CITY! Books will also be available for purchase and to have signed.

William J. Miller, Jr. grew up in Pittsburgh and was always fascinated by the living connections to its storied past: the Carnegie Library and Museum, the Carnegie Institute of Technology, and, in his own neighborhood, the Frick mansion, where Henry Frick’s daughter, Helen, still lived. Mr. Miller spent his entire career in journalistic enterprises as reporter, publisher, blogger, and Time Inc. consumer marketing veteran. He graduated from the Hotchkiss School and Trinity College, Hartford, CT and lives in Watch Hill, RI with his wife, Warren, and Havanese, Jake. This is his first novel.

Steel City is the story of Pittsburgh in the 1890’s when the steel business made it the industrial capital of not just the country, but the world. Through the eyes of Jamie Dalton who has chosen a career in journalism over his family’s vehement objections, we witness the titanic events of that city in that age: the Johnstown Flood that killed over 2,000 people, the country’s greatest natural disaster of the 19th century; the Homestead Steel Strike of 1892 when Henry Clay Frick sent in an army of Pinkertons to break the back of the labor movement; an anarchist’s assassination attempt on Frick in revenge for Homestead; the fight-to-the death between Frick and Andrew Carnegie for control of the country’s predominant steel company; and the inside story of what is still the largest corporate buy-out of all-time that created U. S. Steel.
